• Conscious

    From Jesus to All on Mon Jul 8 08:54:23 2019

    Belief systems and the transistor.

    An epigram over being escastic, just by chance. << stations of the cross >> Catholicism spelled out for sisters (terminology). A stream of consciousness. Poetic license used in this document(s). Kingdom of God is through me given in the name of the Father, Amen. Don't look underground; it is a commandment. Children can learn better this way over the Devil. Malocclusion Law over vampires. You do not wish to love again, do not love another. Forty, then something or an itch.

    << computers or mahogany in same process as to further clear assumption for ridicule >>

    ??? Promise of ide and computer shopper, the big one ???

    Death notices may be to you from the magnificent twelve. Death is a celebration in the land of the buffalo. Natural grown substances. Look further through the root cause as to the tic Indians, contraception, six years. I do not wish again to take sexually cocaine. Promulgation & dating. Legend pharmacy from a landmark building. Hypertensions, use of a computer system. Baker's law. Hipaa laws, i remembered a thought at 37 years of age. I reserve my rights. eg kidnapping. You may protect yourself in anyway possible. I thought the devil, firstly. I learned this. Inches are thoughts from others! Do not look underground is part of a commandment. I am striving for first law. This is complicated by Phallan and city clerk. Speech of hell to note.

    My full name is David Stephen McHugh of nyc.

    ??? Mankind shall think. ???

    << Time is sense. I went broad sighted. >>

    http://www.nytimes.com/1984/12/14/style/now┬¡personal┬¡trainers┬¡push┬¡clients┬ ¡to┬¡new┬¡highs┬¡of┬¡fitness.html